Training documentation

We are creating user oriented deliverables

We are using new technologies media!

The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies in a certain area.

The first and most important step in preparing of a good training is creating of clear and comprehensible documentation that can guide audience involving and entertaining their attention on the subject.

Also in this case we are regularly including multimedia files and animations in our training documents that can be easily distributed and updated by web.

Finally you can train the persons without pieces of paper, CD, DVD and other supports.

Always more companies across the world regularly use simulations as a tool to teach employees. If this simulation is web-based your customer can get it always on a click.

The term web-based simulation (WBS) emerged in 1996, and is typically used to denote the invocation of computer simulation services over the internet, specifically through a web browser. Increasingly, the web is being looked upon as an environment for providing a key solutions for providing of training documentation and training in self.